
My name is Mónica Hurtado de Mendoza, I sign under the pseudonym Muida, a union of my name and surname. I love welcoming you to this small, very personal and visceral space. 

Although it may sound poetic, my memories are accompanied by the smell of oil paints, colored pencils, notebooks and pins, and the fact is that my family on both sides painted or sewed, perhaps that is the first cause of my need to create from nothing, who knows. All those memories make me express myself from the freedom when you are a child. We would get confused and cross things out without hesitation, the lines might not be straight and the stains created shapes.

I have been involved in the world of fashion since I started working, always related to colour, composition and illustration. I am a print designer, and that is how I discovered my passion for colour and its infinite combinations. For a few years, when I lived in Morocco, I was also immersed in the world of decoration, where I created ceramic and textile pieces together with small artisans and cooperatives. 

All these experiences have led me to want to express myself, to let go and embrace every memory, every moment, my perception of life and feelings. Here I leave perfectionism aside to make room for error and the unexpected.